Freedom Dilemma in the Arab States مأزق الحرية في العالم العربي

Crescentologism Book Cover

Freedom Dilemma in the Arab States مأزق الحرية في العالم العربي

Hasan A. Yahya, Ph.Ds. Professor of sociology

Since man existed on earth, freedom for him is two types in definition, one is freedom of, and the other is freedom from. While in theory they both may mean related to each other, in reality they are far from each other according to cultural norms and mores. Freedom of is the absence of constraints on behavior, it means freedom to do something. In modern time, the two types are defined logically as related to each other in any political system. In this sense, freedom is synonymous with liberty in two important areas, freedom of worship, (religion in general), and freedom of speech. The freedom from, however, includes two types of freedom. Freedom from fear, and freedom from want. In both areas, immunity from fear and want against oppression and exploitation and immunity from discrimination and racism, and both are equated with equality and justice.

The influence of the concept order, however, makes the difference in practice, for example, under authoritarian political systems freedom of is largely forgotten, through legislation or executive branches of governments. This means, that freedom from, fear and want is also persistent. I believe that freedom of is more applicable than freedom from in both authoritarian and liberal political systems, at least, theoretically. They are nonetheless, differ greatly, in application.

Order, whither, social or political, refer to established patterns of authority in society. Where traditional modes of behavior are followed. It is the norms of doing things. Such norms prescribe behavior in different areas, such as school systems and students’ behavior in schools, by appearance and obedience. Marriage behavior according to law (religious or secular), and press publication and explicit photography (without anarchy).

In modern time, states are different in applying freedom of, or freedom from according to their political systems. While in advanced countries we may observe justice, and liberty in both types of freedom, justice and liberty are rarely noticed in totalitarian or traditional systems like the Arab countries for example. In most of the Arab states, liberty is limited and justice is exploited by those who have ( power, or wealth) over those who have not (non-citizens-workers, and service people, the less educated). While we use here two important concepts in Marx’s theory of capitalism, we do not mean, that they mean the same thing after more than a century ago. The means of production and property ownership is taking new shapes under the concept of order, especially, the political one.

In the Arab countries, where lack of laws application from traditional personalities undermines liberty and justice, where both became culturally accepted without resistance. If not, they will be exploited by security measures of order.

Terrorism as we knew in recent years have played a vital role in making deviation from all types of freedom, Religious, free speech, fear and want, where corruption of traditional regimes, helps out the idea of keeping the state order by ignoring freedom of and freedom from. So we see that product prices has no limits, and bread becomes more and more less in health value and more in price.

In strategic planning, or in the transitional periods from one old political system to another more open to all types of freedom, Arab states are urged to apply both types of freedom, at least freedom of worship and liberty, because these two can be applied away from discrimination and exploitation by following the rules of law, which is absent in most Arab countries. Rules of law, however, do not mean, traffic laws, or marriage laws, but laws of justice and equality of citizens and non citizens alike, live inside their borders. Rules of law of limited presidency ( where presidency periods go up to four plus times or life, in Algeria, Egypt, and Tunisia, for example)

I believe, if this happened, and rules of law become understood, in theory and application, we, then, would say, that the Arab countries are in the right track of healthy governments. While symptoms of this vision is showing in some areas, traditional application of rules of law are missed from government departments, especially the ones connected to cultural norms built up through centuries of wrong beliefs and heretics of rulers, theologians and sheep-like conformity, citizens. ( 715 words)

*** From: Crescentologism: The Moon Theory book for the author.

About Arab American Encyclopedia-USA - Hasan Yahya

HASAN YAHYA was born at a small village called Majdal-YaFa (Majdal Sadiq) in Mandate Palestine (1944). He migrated as a refugee to Mes-ha, a village east of Kufr Qasim, west of Nablus (in the West Bank), then moved with his family to Zarka, 25 km north of Amman – Jordan. He finished the high school at Zarka Secondary School, 1963. He was appointed as a teacher in the same year. Studied Law first at Damascus University, then B.A from Lebanon University in Arabic literature and Eastern Cultures (1975). He moved to Kuwait. Where he got married in 1967. He was working at Kuwait Television, taught at bilingual School, and Kuwait University. In 1982, Hasan left to the United States to continue his education at Michigan State University. He got the Master Degree in 1983, the Ph.D degree in 1988 in Education (Psychology of Administration ). In 1991, He obtained his post degree in Social research, the result was a second Ph.D degree in Comparative sociology-Social Psychology. He was the only Arab student who enrolled ever to pursue two simultaneous Ph.D programs from Michigan State University and fulfill their requirements perfectly. Professor Yahya employment history began as a supervisor of a joint project to rehabilitate Youth (inmates out of prison) by Michigan State University and Intermediate School Districts. Worked also as a Teacher Assistant and lecturer in the same university. He was offered a position at Lansing Community College as well as Jackson Community College where he was assistant professor, then associate professor, then full professor (1991-2006). He taught Sociology, psychology, education, criminology and research methods. He supervised 19 Master and Ph.D candidates on various personal, economic psychological and social development topics. Professor Yahya published Hundreds (1000 Plus on this site) of articles and research reports in local, regional, and international journals. His interest covers local, regional and global conflicts. He also authored, translated, edited and published over 280 plus books in several languages, in almost all fields especial education, sociology and psychology. These books can be found on Amazon and Kindle. He also, was a visiting professor at Eastern Michigan University to give Research Methods and Conflict Management courses. Prof. Yahya accepted an offer to join Zayed University Faculty Team in 1998, then he served as the Head of Education and Psychology Department at Ajman University of Science and Technology 2001-04. Dr. Yahya established several institutes in Diaspora, the Arab American Encyclopedia, Ihyaa al Turath al Arabi Project, (Revival of Arab Heritage in Diaspora.Recently he was nominated for honorary committee member for the Union of Arab and Muslim Writers in America. He was affiliated with sociological associations and was a member of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS) at USA. Social Activities and Community Participation: Dr. Yahya was a national figure on Diversity and Islamic Issues in the United States, with special attention to Race Relations and Psychology of Assimilation (generations 1,2 &3). He was invited as a public speaker to many TV shows and interviews in many countries. His philosophy includes enhancing knowledge to appreciate the others, and to compromise with others in order to live peacefully with others. This philosophy was the backgrounds of his theory, called “ Theory C. of Conflict Management”. And developed later to a Science of Cultural Normalization under the title: “Crescentology. The results of such theory will lead to world peace depends on a global Knowledge, Understanding, appreciation, and Compromising (KUAC)” Recently Prof. Yahya started "Publish your book FREE Project", to serve young Arab Writers. Dr. Yahya accepted the offer to be the chief editor of the International Humanities Studies Journal -I-H-S-Jerusalem, since July 2014. (Revised Sept. 2014) ولد الدكتور حسن عبدالقادر يحيى في مجدل يابا من أعمال يافا – فلسطين عام 1944. تلقى علومه الابتدائية في مدرسة بديا الأميرية في الضفة الغربية أيام احتوائها ضمن المملكة الأدردنية الهاشمية وتخرج في جامعة بيروت حاملاً الإجازة في اللغة العربية وآدابها، ودبلوم التأهيل التربوي من كلية القديس يوسف بلبنان، ودبلوم الدراسات العليا (الماجستير) ودكتوراة في الإدارة التربوية من جامعة ولاية ميشيغان بالولايات المتحدة عام 1988، وشهادة الدكتوراه في علم الاجتماع المقارن من الجامعة نفسها عام 1991. عمل في التدريس والصحافة الأدبية. أديب وشاعر وقاص ، ,كما عمل في تلفزيون الكويت الرسمي كمعد ومنسق برامج ثم اتجه إلى الكتابة والتأليف في علوم كثيرة تخص علمي النفس والاجتماع والتنمية البشرية ، والتغير الاجتماعي والسكان وألف ونشر العديد من المقالات (1000 +) والكتب باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية (أكثر من 330 كتابا) ، منها ست مجموعات قصصية وست كتب للأطفال ، وأربع دواوين شعرية باللغتين أيضا. وعدد من كتب التراث في الشعر والأدب والأخلاق الإسلامية والتربية والأديان . وهو الآن أستاذ متقاعد في جامعة ولاية ميشيغان. . وكان عضوا سابقا في جمعية العلماء المسلمين في أمريكا . وجمعية علماء الاجتماع الأمريكية - ميشيغان، وهو مؤسس الموسوعة العربية الأمريكية في الولايات المتحدة ضمن مشروع إحياء التراث العربي في بلاد المهجرز كما تم ترشيحه مؤخرا ليكون عضو مجلس التحرير لمجلة الدراسات الإنسانية العالمية. وقد قبل أن يتسلم رئاسة تحريرها اعتبارا من نهاية يونيو 2014 His email: Thank you!
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